열린문 성경 통독


COVID-19 소식 업데이트
전도사역원 4차 사랑나눔 등록마감


열린문장로교회 홈페이지에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다.

사회복지사역원: 함부로 애뜻하게, Love Herndon 프로젝트 (2016-07-23, 정리: Peter Choi)

Food truck rally는 어떻게 이루어졌나

열린문교회에서는 처음 시도하는 독특한 행사였다. 이 행사는 길에서 흔히 보이는 다양한 푸드트럭들을 관리하는 단체와 연결하였다. 그리고 헌돈 시청을 비롯한 지역관계자들과 협력해 지역주민들을 교회로 초청하며 이들에게 음식과 각종서비스를 제공하는 프로젝트를 만든 것이다.

특히 이번 푸드트럭행사는 헌돈 시에서도 처음있는 일이었고, 각종 홍보를 통해 열린문교회를 소개하는 계기가 되었다.

Love Herndon Food Truck Rally 행사 요약:

내부적: 300명 정도의 KC, EC, NEXT, Youth 봉사자들이 협력해 하나님안에 공동사역을 이루어 감. 서로가 섬기며 하나의 프로젝트안에 나이와 언어를 초월한 이해와 하나님의 일하심을 함께 체험.

외부적: 이웃 지역과의 관계형성, 교회의 문턱을 낮추어 누구나 행사 참여 가능하게 함. 열린문교회를 알리며 하나님의 사랑을 전함.

이 행사는 Facebook 홍보 50만 명, 행사광고 확인자 2만명으로 4,500명 넘는 인원이 방문하였다. 또한 기획과 홍보과정에서 시청 맟 각 기관담당자들과 직접교류하며 이번 행사의 기본틀을 마련하는 계기가 되었다.

Love Herndon Team의 Interview

1. How did Love Herndom formed? key focus ? goal ?

Jackie(영어권총괄담당자) : Love Herndon formed from Pastor Daniel’s desire to be a more visible presence in the community of Herndon. He had been reading Center Church by Tim Keller, which begged the question, “if your church were to leave your community, would they even miss you?” This challenged Pastor Daniel to rethink our vision of what Open Door was called to do — to think beyond being a sending church for missions, but to also think about our strategic local purpose. Given that 42.6% percent of those living in Herndon have an annual income of more than $100,000, our team began to think of ways where we could actively engage those in our community, beyond providing just relief. Thus, the Love Herndon team established our mission statement: to be an Open Door to a life-changing grace for Herndon through radical hospitality and loving service.

2. In your own experience, what was the best part on the food truck rally ? highlight ?

Jackie : There were so many highlights. But if I had to choose one thing that stands out from the Rally was how both KC and EC pulled together for one common goal — to bless the people of Herndon. My heart was so happy to see our congregations working together — youth group alongside NEXT, serving with the KC parking deacons, the older KC women cutting watermelon for younger volunteers, there were so many cross sections of our church serving in unity — it was such a beautiful sight of oneness that I’m sure pleased our God.

Suki(영어권담당자) : The best part was interacting with people. I loved working with the rest of the church and breaking down the walls between our different ministries. There was nothing like what I experienced; an easier way to get to know other members without feeling awkward. I also loved talking to the local residents who were NOT from ODPC. The feeling of community was unprecedented.

3. Working with different congregations (different generations) ?KC , NEXT , YOUTH ?

Tommy(영어권 담당자) : For me working with the between EC and KC is a little bit uneasy, because I am simply not able to speak Korean well. My fear is always that I will unintentionally offend someone because of my inability to clearly communicate…or create a misunderstanding. Working with NEXT was great, I worked in Parking all day and if Jin was not there, I do not know how we could have filled all of our gaps for the parking needs.

4. Any conflicts or issues that can improve in the future ?

Tommy : For an all day event like the Food Truck Rally, we had several shifts. The first shift was very reliable, but when it came to the second or third shifts, we noticed that people did not come. This caused some of our first shift volunteers to work longer in the beating hot sun. God fortunately provided, but there were many moments of worry, as we were getting phone calls asking for relief. The other issues we had was that we did not have as much time to coordinate with KC on this large effort. While in the end, everything worked out…I know that it caused us to rush and created unnecessary frustration for the KC. For the future, I hope that we can pray together (as much as possible) leading up to these events…while serving together is so awesome, praying together will bind us together!

토요일, 사랑으로 함께 헌신한 300명 봉사자들에게 감사의 말을 전한다. 하나의 목표를 향해 영어권과 한어권 모두가 함께했던 것이 이번 행사에 진정 하이라이트였다.

주차지역 도네이션을 통해 5133불이, 배고픈 아이들을 후원하는 단체에 우리 교회가 파트너가 되어 함께 일하게 됨이 기대된다.