열린문 성경 통독


열린문장로교회 예배/모임 소식

열린문장로교회 소식

컴패션 봉사자 모집

컴패션 Journey 에 섬겨주실 봉사자가 필요합니다. 이하의 링크를 통해 사인업 해주시기 바랍니다.

ODPC’s Compassion weekend will be 4/21 – 4/23 (Fr – Su). This year, we present Compassion Journey at ODPC’s Mark Hall – a journey thru a series of interactive exhibits with audio guidance. Fr: 7-9 pm; Sa: 8-4; Su: 8:30-4. Also, 4/23 will be Compassion Sunday and we will have guest speakers for both KC and EC. With so much going on, we have a huge need for volunteers. We would appreciate your active assistance in signing up for the volunteer slots that need to be filled.

* 컴패션 여행 (42명 필요)
Compassion Journey Volunteer Sign-up Sheet (42 total volunteers needed): website link:
👉 shorturl.at/bcPR7
For Compassion Journey set-up (Fr. 4 – 6:30 pm) and breakdown (Su. 4 – 5:45), women and youth can also easily help and are invited to volunteer. Dinner will be provided for the Friday setup volunteers.

* 컴패션 주일 (36명 필요)
Compassion Sunday Volunteer Sign-up Sheet (36 total volunteers needed): website link:
👉 shorturl.at/oSX39